Acupuncture & Allergies
Do you suffer from itchy eyes and throat, sinus congestion, sneezing and asthma? If so, unfortunately you are suffering from allergies! With the spring sunshine and flowers come wind and pollen which trigger allergies for many of us. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring while grass and weed pollens follow in late spring and summer. Airborne mold spores can be found almost year round, as well as dust, dust mites, and animal dander.
Acupuncture can address the causes of allergies and focus on balancing the immune system. This will lead to substantial long-term health benefits including managing your allergies. Our goal is to develop a plan to eliminate the acute symptoms and provide relief, while strengthening the underlying weak immune system. This comprehensive plan will be individualized for each patient and may include acupuncture, dietary modifications, and Chinese Herbal Formulas or Homeopathic formulas.
Tips to decrease allergies & improve your immune response:
• Stay indoors during peak pollen times
• Use a salt water rinse or nasal spray to cleanse your nose
• Get regular Vitamin B shots
• Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables & stay hydrated
• Wash your hands frequently and shower at night to rid your hair & body of all pollen
• Use your air conditioner and air filters to decrease allergen exposure
• Receive monthly Acupuncture treatments
• Keep your house clean to reduce dust exposure
• Get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily
Current Special
10% off any Chinese Herbal Formula that combat allergies!
Call Michelle at (740) 206-8705 and schedule your appointment today!